
this looks to me like it might be a piece of homework, as it would be given by teachers or professors.

This list has got the rule, that members do not solve other's homework. Because very often homework is meant to sit down and think about it.

But maybe I interpreted that wrongly, so if you could try to formulate in words what this loop does, I or other people on this list, will be pleased to show you where you might have got things wrong and how it really works.



Lars Liedtke
Software Entwickler

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Am 05.08.22 um 09:34 schrieb ojomooluwatolami...@gmail.com:
Hello, I’m new to learning python and I stumbled upon a question nested loops. 
This is the question below. Can you please how they arrived at 9 as the answer. 

var = 0
for i in range(3):
   for j in range(-2,-7,-2):
     var += 1

Sent from my iPhone


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