Às 02:33 de 21/06/22, Chris Angelico escreveu:
On Tue, 21 Jun 2022 at 11:13, Paulo da Silva
<p_d_a_s_i_l_v_a...@nonetnoaddress.pt> wrote:
Às 20:01 de 20/06/22, Paulo da Silva escreveu:
Às 18:19 de 20/06/22, Stefan Ram escreveu:
The same personality traits that make people react
to troll postings might make them spread unconfirmed
ideas about the meaning of "C" in "CPython".
The /core/ of CPython is written in C.
CPython is the /canonical/ implementation of Python.
The "C" in "CPython" stands for C.
Not so "unconfirmed"!
Look at this article, I recently read:
There is a sentence in ther that begins with "CPython, short for Core
Python, a reference implementation that other Python distributions are
derived from, ...".
Anyway, I wrote "IMHO".
Do you have any credible reference to your assertion "The "C" in
"CPython" stands for C."?
Thank you.
Well ... I read the responses and they are not touching the point!
I just answered, with my opinion based on articles I have read in the
past. Certainly I could not be sure. That's why I responded as an
opinion (IMHO) and not as an assertion.
Stefan Ram responded with a, at least, not very polite post.
That's why I needed to somehow "defend" why I posted that response, and,
BTW, trying to learn why he said that the C in CPython means "written in C".
I still find very strange, to not say weird, that a compiler or
interpreter has a name based in the language it was written. But, again,
is just my opinion and nothing more.
Not sure why it's strange. The point is to distinguish "CPython" from
"Jython" or "Brython" or "PyPy" or any of the other implementations.
Notice that they are, for example, Jython and not JPython.
There is also Cython that is a different thing.
And YES. You have the right to not feel that as strange.