On Tue, 31 May 2022, MRAB wrote:

Have a look at the tkinter.ttk.Treeview widget; it can be formatted as a
tree hierarchy, its name suggests, or a multi-column tables, but it
doesn't support multi-line text though, as far as I know.


Thank you, I will.

Each time I add a row to the contacts database table I include a note of
what was discussed and what needs to be done. I'd like to be able to see the
entire note with each contact event.

I'm not committed to using a table so I'm totally open to other approaches.
My needs are few:
  - The returned results are read-only.
  - The number of rows returned are variable.
  - Each row has a contact date, contact type, note, and next contact date.
    The last one isn't necessary to be displayed, but the first three are.
  - I want to be able to scroll and view all returned rows.

As with the tkinter.Text widget, you'll need to add the scrollbar(s) separately and then link them.

This I expected.



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