On 5/26/22, ANTHONY CHU <aa...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The Python 3.10.4 (64-bit) and Python Launcher had been (standard) installed
> successfully. But I could not find pip anywhere.  I uninstalled and
> re-installed a couple of times, it is still the problem. I checked the
> installed directory
> C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Tools\Scripts\
FYI, scripts and binaries for packages such as pip are installed in
"Scripts", not in "Tools\Scripts".

In Windows, it's common to run pip via `py -m pip`. Note that the
latter command will use an active virtual environment, if any, else it
defaults to the highest version of Python that's installed. You can
use a specific installed version via `py -X.Y[-32] -m pip`.

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