Please reply to the list. Others may be able to assist (particularly if
they use MS-Windows!).

> Removing the  quit does not help with the problem.
> input 10 x 10

What was the result, or the exception report.

Once again: did MS-Windows finish the job and close the window before
you could see the result?

On 26/05/2022 15.44, dn wrote:
>>    When double clicking a .py file when have python install. It run file but
>>    at a spot of the program it stop running. But using the built-in ide for
>>    python this problem does not happen also any other ide it work fine
> The code looks good (although most IT-people think of * as the
> multiplication operator).
> At present, the only way to stop the program is to enter two numbers and
> an invalid operator. This leads to the quit(). I'm not a user of
> MS-Windows, but won't that close the window without giving any
> opportunity to read the screen? Can you try commenting-out the quit()
> and replacing it with a print( "terminating" ) type of message? Does
> this help with the "stop running"?
> To enable us to run the program[me] to produce the same results, what
> combination of input produces the error, what output results, and do you
> see any exception messages? Please copy-paste into your email-reply.
> (the more you help us, the better we can help you!)
> On 26/05/2022 15.12, Shuaib Akhtar wrote:
>> number_1 = input("put a number\n")
>> print('division is /')
>> operations = input("put a operations\n")
>> number_2 = input("put a number\n")
>> number_2 = float(number_2)
>> number_1 = float(number_1)
>> if operations == "+":
>>     print(number_1+number_2)
>> elifoperations.lower() == "x":
>>     print(number_1 * number_2)
>> elifoperations == "/":
>>     print(number_1/number_2)
>> elifoperations == "-":
>>     print(number_1 - number_2)
>> else:
>>     print("put a operation next time")
>>     quit()


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