Check out the select module, for an example on how to use it:
>>>Jacek Pop*awski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/12/05 10:07 am >>> Popen from subprocess module gives me access to stdout, so I can read it. Problem is, that I don't know how much data is available... How can I read it without blocking my program? example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- import subprocess import time command="ls -l -R /" p=subprocess.Popen(command,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while (p.poll()==None): print "." -------------------------------------------------------------------- when you comment out read() - you will notice that loop is working, with read() loop is blocked Of course I don't need to read() inside loop, but... if output is very long (like from "make") and I don't read from stdout - command will block itself! I tried to increase bufsize, but it didn't help. Is there a way to read only available data from stdout/stderr? Is there a way to not block Popen command without reading stdout/stderr? -- --