I am not clear on what you are commenting, Dennis. You are responding to what I 
do not believe I wrote. You did not quote the part of my message where I wrote 
what "I" did in the early 80's and did not say when PASCAL was available 

"I paid no attention to where PASCAL was being used other than I did much of my 
grad school work in PASCAL in the early 80's including my thesis being a 
document that could be typeset or run from the same file ;-)"

I might have encountered it in the early 70's had I had any room in my college 
course schedule where I ended up with a triple major in other subjects or while 
I was in Medical school. But no, I only went back to study C.S. afterwards. So, 
I apologize for being late. Heck I was also not there when ALGOL was created or 
FORTRAN, let alone COBOL! But if it helps, I taught FORTRAN and other languages 
to undergrads ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com>
To: python-list@python.org
Sent: Sat, Mar 5, 2022 7:00 pm
Subject: Re: Behavior of the for-else construct

On Sat, 5 Mar 2022 21:40:08 +0000 (UTC), Avi Gross <avigr...@verizon.net>

declaimed the following:

>I am not sure how we end up conversing about PASCAL on a Python forum. But it 
>is worth considering how people educated in aspects of Computer Science often 
>come from somewhat different background and how it flavors what they do now.


    You'd prefer REBOL, perhaps? 

    REXX at least has some structure to it <G>

    NB: Pascal has, like Ada, always been a <cap><lowercase> name -- not

like the origins of COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, et al.

>I paid no attention to where PASCAL was being used other than I did much of my 
>grad school work in PASCAL in the early 80's including my thesis being a 
>document that could be typeset or run from the same file ;-)


    Very early? The common versions were probably UCSD (running on UCSD

P-System); or a port of the P-4 compiler (which had been published in book

form) -- maybe a "tinyPascal" (integer only I suspect). Radio Shack did

provide Alcor Pascal for the TRS-80.

    Later, you might have encountered TurboPascal -- which bore little

resemblance to a Jensen&Wirth Pascal. 

    J&W was one-program<>one-file (no link libraries, no "include" files as

I recall); very limited math functions if one is trying for scientific

applications (sin, cos, arctan were the trig functions I recall), and that

very unfriendly I/O system (console I/O required special handling from file

I/O as Pascal does a one-element pre-read when an I/O channel is opened --

which occurs on program load for stdin, much before a program could output

a prompt to the user).

    Even my first exposure to VAX/VMS Pascal, which did allow for separate

compilation and linking, required me to declare interfaces to the FORTRAN

run-time library to get advanced math functions (I believe later versions

incorporated the FORTRAN math natively).


    Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN

    wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/




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