P.S.: for ping a startingpoint can be icmplib, for dns dnspython and for http requests. But consider as well if you want to check for IPv4 and/or IPv6 Connectivity.

Am 07.02.22 um 13:47 schrieb Lars Liedtke:
Each Browser is doing it differently and even Windows or Linux-Desktopmanagers (NetworkManager).

I have had cases, where one tool told me I had Internet and another one I hadn't.

So What Chris Angelico wrote is propably the best way, ping e.g. Google, do a DNS lookup and try http for Status 200. Each with its own Errorhandling and if you have got all three, then it is propable that you have "Internet".



Am 07.02.22 um 10:33 schrieb Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer:
Popular browsers tell: No internet connection detected. A function that
goes in the same sense. Unless they too are pinging Google.com to check ...

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
about <https://compileralchemy.github.io/> | blog
github <https://github.com/Abdur-RahmaanJ>

On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 1:28 PM Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, 7 Feb 2022 at 20:18, Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
<arj.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:

Using the standard library or 3rd party libraries, what's the
best way to check if there is internet? Checking if google.com
is reachable is good but I wonder if there is a more native,
way of knowing?

What do you mean by "if there is internet"? How low a level of
connection do you want to test? You could ping an IP address that you
know and can guarantee will respond. You could attempt a DNS lookup.
You could try an HTTP request. Each one can fail in different ways,
for different reasons. It's best to test what you actually care about.

Even this URL recommends checking if a domain is up as a way to check for
internet connectivity:


That talks about a misconfigured proxy as being the most likely cause.
Is that something you're trying to test for?

There is no single concept of "there is internet". (Other than, in a
trivial sense, that the internet does exist.) What you need to know is
"can I use the internet?", and ultimately, that depends on what you
need it to do.


punkt.de GmbH
Lars Liedtke

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Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein


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