experimental Python-to-C++ compiler.
why that instead of Pypy?
. pypy compiles to llvm (low-level virtual machine) bytecode
which is obviously not as fast as the native code coming from c++ compilers;
but the primary mission of pypy
is just having a python system that is
written in something like python rather than c or c++
. there is no reason why the pypy project can't have a .NET architecture
instead of the java-like arrangement I assume it has now
. without such a pypy.NET system,
shedskin is offering a service that pypy can't yet provide:
a ( python -> c++ )-conversion allows me to
smoothly integrate python contributions
with my already-staggering c++ library
. I'm not suggesting that pypy should be another
Mono rewritten in python,
because the essential mission of the .NET architecture
is being able to compile
any language of the user`s choice,
to some intermediate language designed to be
far more efficiently compiled to
any machine language of the user`s choice
than any human-readable language such as c++
. perhaps llvm bytecode can serve as such an intermediate language?
then llvm could be the new c++ (our defacto IL (intermediate language))
and shedskin (python -> IL=c++) could then be replaced by
the combination of pypy (python -> IL=llvm)
and some incentive for all target platforms
to develope a highly optimized
( llvm -> native code)-compiler
-- assuming also, that there is available
a highly optimized ( c++ -> llvm bytecode )-compiler .
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