Thanks I really appreciate that, its time consuming task and take lots of hard 
work for sure, I was thinking it's technical issue for python that there isn't 
binary format for it, so I'm happy to hear that we will have that option in the 
future 🙏🏻🚀
From: Python-list <> on 
behalf of Christian Heimes <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 18:29
Subject: Re: About Python Compressed Archive or Binaries

On 17/01/2022 18.49, Kirill Ratkin wrote:
> It would be nice to have just zip file with python interpreter (not
> executable installer), unpack it anywhere, add path  to this 'anywhere'
> to PATH, and use it.
> Java/DotNet/Go have this option. But python - not.
> And question is - why?

Java is developed by Oracle (revenue 49 billion USD)
.NET is developed by Microsoft (revenue 161 billion USD)
Go is developed by Google (revenue of parent company is 182 billion USD)
Python is developed by a bunch of (mostly unpoaid) volunteers under the
umbrella of the PSF (revenue 3.1 million USD).

Do you see a pattern? :)

A distributable binary format for CPython is high on our list. Brett
Cannon, Nathaniel Smith, and I have been discussion a proposal recently.
I landed a bunch of changes in 3.11-dev that are both useful for binary
distribution and for Web Assembly builds. Because all work is done in
our free time, there is only little progress.



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