On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 at 09:12, Dieter Maurer <die...@handshake.de> wrote: > > Marco Sulla wrote at 2021-12-29 08:08 +0100: > >On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 at 00:03, Dieter Maurer <die...@handshake.de> wrote: > >> Why do you not derive from `dict` and override its mutating methods > >> (to raise a type error after initialization is complete)? > > > >I've done this for the pure py version, for speed. But in this way, > >frozendict results to be a subclass of MutableMapping. > > `MutableMapping` is a so called abstract base class (--> `abc`). > > It uses the `__subclass_check__` (and `__instance_check__`) of > `abc.ABCMeta` to ensure `issubclass(dict, MutableMapping)`. > Those can be customized by overriding `MutableMapping.__subclasshook__` > to ensure that your `frozendict` class (and their subclasses) > are not considered subclasses of `MutableMapping`.
Emh. Too hacky for me too, sorry :D -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list