On 12/24/21 07:22, vani arul wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying write a code.Can some help me find the error in my code.
> Thanks!
> def selectionsort(arr):
>    # le=len(arr)
>     for b in range(0,len(arr)-1):
>         pos=b
>         for a in range(b+1,len(arr)-1):
>             if arr[b]>arr[a+1]:
>                 arr[b],arr[a+1]=arr[a+1],arr[b]
>     return arr
> arr=[3,5,9,8,2,6]
> print(selectionsort(arr))

Hint: what are you using 'pos' for?  A placeholder for (something) has
an actual purpose in the typical selection-sort, but you only initialize
it and never use or update it.


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