I have a C program that forks to create a child process and uses execv to call 
a Python program.  The Python program communicates with the parent process (in 
C) through a FIFO pipe monitored with epoll().  

The Python child process is in a while True loop, which is intended to keep it 
running while the parent process proceeds, and perform functions for the C 
program only at intervals when the parent sends data to the child -- similar to 
a daemon process. 

The C process writes to its end of the pipe and the child process reads it, but 
then the child process continues to loop, thereby blocking the parent. 

This is the Python code:

import os
import select

#Open the named pipes
pr = os.open('/tmp/Pipe_01', os.O_RDWR)
pw = os.open('/tmp/Pipe_02', os.O_RDWR)

ep = select.epoll(-1)
ep.register(pr, select.EPOLLIN)

while True:

    events = ep.poll(timeout=2.5, maxevents=-1)
    #events = ep.poll(timeout=None, maxevents=-1)

    print("child is looping")

    for fileno, event in events:
        print("Python fileno")
        print("Python event")
        v = os.read(pr,64)
        print("Pipe value")

The child process correctly receives the signal from ep.poll and correctly 
reads the data in the pipe, but then it continues looping.  For example, when I 
put in a timeout:

child is looping
Python fileno
Python event
Pipe value
child is looping
child is looping

That suggests that a while True loop is not the right thing to do in this case. 
 My question is, what type of process loop is best for this situation?  The 
multiprocessing, asyncio and subprocess libraries are very extensive, and it 
would help if someone could suggest the best alternative for what I am doing 

Thanks very much for any ideas. 


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