>> Windows Defender has a setting to also use “Reputation Scoring”.
>> What that simply means is that WDef will report back a hash to microsoft 
>> which is then checked to see if it is known.  If it is known, then it has a 
>> reputation and based off that reputation Defender will either allow it to 
>> run or not.
>> But if there is no reputation (eg no one has ever run it), that’s 
>> suspicious.  And that’s what you are running into.
>> You can submit the EXE to the defender team, which should allow it to 
>> operate properly without any issue.
>>      - Benjamin
> sure... "that's suspicious". Unless you're a developer compiling your own 
> code. In which case every fresh build will be something "unknown". You have 
> to set every setting you can find to "developer mode" to help with this kind 
> of thing, and sometimes it's still not enough.

Understandable, and Steve Gibson (GRC.com <http://grc.com/>, creator of 
Spinrite) has mentioned that he has had this problem with every Beta of his 

I agree completely with you, but that’s how Microsoft has set things up.

        - Benjamin


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