
There are some errors in order to install numpy as follows.

>>> pip install numpy
  File "<input>", line 1
    pip install numpy
SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?

Would you advise me to correct error and install numpy or pandas?

[image: image.png]
Seonghark Jeong
KUL(Kookmin Unmanned vehicle research Laboratory)
GSAEK, Kookmin Univ.
E-Mail: seongh...@kookmin.ac.kr
HP: 82-10-3600-7143

2021년 10월 20일 (수) 오전 2:47, 황병희 <soyeo...@doraji.xyz>님이 작성:

> Dear 정성학,
> >>> [image: image.png]
> If you would like to show us your image, then write down the github/gitlab
> link. Of course i assume you have github/gitlab account. Because Mailing
> server does filter for dangerous things such as image file, video clip,
> action scripts (computer virus), i think...
> Sincerely, Gopher Byung-Hee
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list



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