
ti 21. syysk. 2021 klo 16.53 Mohsen Owzar (mohsen.ow...@gmail.com)

> Hi Guys
> Long time ago I've written a program in Malab a GUI for solving Sudoku
> puzzles, which worked not so bad.
> Now I try to write this GUI with Python with PyQt5 or TKinter.
> First question is:
> Is there any free OCR software, packages or code in Python, which I can
> use to recognize the given digits and their positions in the puzzle square.

to my knowledge there is no Python package for OCR. Using a free OCR
package that has a command line interface one could integrate this into a
Python script that makes a call to this external OCR e.g. using Python
module subprocess.


> Second:
> Because, I can not attach a picture to this post, I try to describe my
> picture of my GUI.
> It is a 3x3 block / matrix (one third of the whole Sudoku 9x9 block).
> This block must be placed three times in row and columns.
> Each square of this 3x3 block has 3x3 digits from 1 to 9 at the
> initialization time. These digits are spread out in 3x3 equal distances.
> These are small fonts and black.
> The values given by the puzzle are red big fonts and not changeable
> The digits typed by the user are black big fonts and changeable
> If there is a big font from the Puzzle / User, these must be removed from
> the neighboring fields from the 3x3 matrix (1-9).
> Now my question is, actually a hint from your side:
> What should I take as widget for one of these small squares to have
> different content as I described above?
> I thought of a QLineEdit in PyQt5 or LineEdit in TKinter, because the user
> must type some values in there and therefore can not be labels. So again,
> for the sake of the clarity.
> •       When the fields are empty, each square has to show digits from 1
> to 9 with small fonts in 3x3 matrix order.
> •       Given values in the puzzle are big fonts and red.
> •       Digits which are typed by the user are big fonts and black.
> Now the question is, can I take only one LineEdit for all these tree
> situations, or I have to implement 9 small squares for small fonts and a
> big one for the big fonts?
> Any help and suggestion is welcome and appreciated.
> Best regards
> Mohsen
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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