On 10/09/2021 19:49, Stefan Ram wrote:
> Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@yahoo.co.uk> writes:
>> OK, That's a useful perspective that is at least consistent.
>> Unfortunately it's not how beginners perceive it
> ...
>   Beginners perceive it the way it is explained to them by
>   their teacher.

I'm not sure that's true. Most  beginners, in my experience,
learn the syntax from their teachers and then go off and play.
What they observe happening is what sticks. And python loop
'else' constructs appear inconsistent to them.

As teachers we like to think we are passing on our wisdom
to our students but in reality everyone learns from their
own experience. The teachers advice is just the starting
point. Hopefully, that starting point sends them in the
right direction but that's the best we can hope for.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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