On 31/08/2021 23:31, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Ah, good to know. I think that actually makes a lot of sense; in the
> US, they try to let everyone pretend that the rest of the world
> doesn't exist ("we always change at 2AM"), but in Europe, they try to
> synchronize for the convenience of commerce ("everyone changes at 1AM
> UTC").
There's another gotcha with DST changes. The EU and USA have different
dates on which they change to DST.

In one of them (I can't recall which is which) they change on the 4th
weekend of October/March in the other they change on the last weekend.

That means on some years (when there are 5 weekends) there is a
week when one has changed and the other hasn't. That caused us
a lot of head scratching the first time we encountered it because
our service centres in the US and EU were getting inconsistent
time reporting and some updates showing as having happened in
the future!

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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