On Mon, 30 Aug 2021 10:37:26 -0500, randy darwin lozanovalle <rlozanovall...@gmail.com> declaimed the following:
>Good morning, when I run the Python program after installing the >latest version, I get this message (attached file), I have already >reinstalled the program several times and the same message keeps >appearing; What solution could you give me, thank you! No attachments on this forum -- if it can't be cut&paste TEXT you will have to put the image on some file server and provide a URL -- note that if said URL is some nasty numeric string from a shortener, many of us will NOT click on it -- the URL should be a clear string with the ending telling WHAT exactly is being accessed (.../screenimage.jpg for example). However, 99% of the time the matter is very simple... You are clicking on the INSTALLER file. Python is NOT a GUI IDE. Once you have installed it, hide that installer file somewhere -- on a USB flash drive say -- and delete it from where ever you downloaded it to. Python is a command line interpreter, one edits Python scripts using the editor of their choice (not a word processor), and runs it from the command shell by entering something like python myscript.py -=-=- C:\Users\Wulfraed>type Script1.py from pathlib import Path def listItems(basepath): print("Processing: %s" % basepath) items = list(basepath.iterdir()) files = [x for x in items if x.is_file()] dirs = [x for x in items if x.is_dir()] for f in files: print("\tFile: %s" % f) for d in dirs: listItems(d) if __name__ == "__main__": p = Path(".") listItems(p) C:\Users\Wulfraed>python3 script.py python3: can't open file 'script.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory C:\Users\Wulfraed>python3 script1.py Processing: . File: .flexprop.config File: .gitconfig File: .kdiff3rc File: .python_history File: .RData File: .Rhistory File: 2015 Wards Geology Catalog.pdf File: aCalendar.HTML File: all_ddl.sql File: BBBser.py File: BBBser2.py File: BBBser3.py File: clang_ref_cache.db File: cp.txt File: D74.pdf File: default-loc.xml File: default.gpr File: demo.bexch File: demo.c File: demo.c.stderr File: demo.c.stdout File: demo.d File: demo.exe File: demo.o SNIP -=-=- Python is packaged by a number of providers, not just python.org (among other there are ActiveState, AnaConda, and now the Win10 M$ application store has a python installer). What is included with each package differs -- many may include a Tkinter script called IDLE as a basic IDE (I don't use it, and hated it the few times I had to start it at work; ActiveState Windows installs included PythonWin as an IDE -- but in the last few years ActiveState has required one to register with them before one can download their package). -- Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN wlfr...@ix.netcom.com http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/ -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list