Guenter wrote:
> Michael Sparks schrieb:
>> Yes.
>> Co-incidentally we've been looking at video playback this week as
>> well. We've been using Pygame with an Overlay surface, and it works
>> fairly well.
> I guess Pygame was more suitable overall for your application? 

It's not really that, it's just that it was the easiest most obvious
(and we've found portable) approach to getting the video onscreen.
You create an overlay object and simply throw decoded YUV data at
in and don't worry too much.

We can generally mix and match UI's happily at the moment with our
work, so we can have tkinter and pygame side by side for example.

> I would just be interested whether you have considered using
> PyMedia? 

We did look at it, but found sufficient numbers of problems to decide
that it might be worth coming back to at a later point in time. Also
we kept hitting issues on 64-bit machines which didn't really help. API
changes also invalidated some of the examples causing confusion (I
wasn't the person directly working on it). 

That said I've heard enough people say enough good things about it to
suggest that don't take our experience as the best example - I suspect
it's far from the best example. (I wish we had more time to try and
help fix it!)

(We've decided to wrap dirac instead for now)

>> Initially we're testing with simple IYUV raw video data, and it's a
>> good idea to use a modern video card supported by your OS, but other
>> than that we've not had problems. If you're interested in code, let
>> us know :-)
> Thanks for the offer. If it is getting serious and I need some jump
> start I might come back to you about the code.

No problem.

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