On 7/18/2021 1:44 AM, Shashank Jain wrote:
I was using python 3.9.3 then zoneinfo library was working fine without any
issues. but now after installing 3.9.6 there are problems.  Ex.

Using below code there no outputs. and further there are issues while
working with timezones with zoninfo  where I tried same things with pytz
that was giving correct output.

for i in zoneinfo.available_timezones():

starts with "The zoneinfo module does not directly provide time zone data, and instead pulls time zone information from the system time zone database or the first-party PyPI package tzdata, if available."

Somehow and for some reason, it is no longer getting the data. So I suggest reading the section to see if you can determine why. If 3.9.6 is a separate installation from the 3.9.3, rather than an upgrade thereof, then maybe you need to install tzdata for the new installation.

Being on Windows, where this is not available, I cannot help further.

Terry Jan Reedy


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