
MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> writes:

> On 2021-07-13 08:50, Loris Bennett wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In Perl I have the following
>>    use IO::Socket::SSL;
>>    my $my_socket = new IO::Socket::SSL(PeerAddr => 'some.server.somewhere,
>>                                    PeerPort => 12345,
>>                                   );
>>    my $line = <$my_socket>;
>>    print("$line\n");
>>    say $my_socket 'ECHO 1';
>>    $line = <$my_socket>;
>>    print("$line\n");
>> This runs as expected and I get
>>    200 Some Server Somewhere - Hello [123.456.789.123]
>>    310 Hello Echo
>> If I try the same with the following Python code:
>>    import socket
>>    import ssl
>>    HOST = "some.server.somewhere"
>>    PORT = 12345
>>    context = ssl.create_default_context()
>>    with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as sock:
>>        with context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=HOST) as ssock:
>>            data = ssock.recv(1024)
>>            print(data.decode())
>>            ssock.write(b'ECHO 1')
>>            data = ssock.read(1024)
>>            print(data.decode())
>> I get a timeout for the 'ECHO' command:
>>    200 Some Server Somewhere - Hello [123.456.789.123]
>>    501 Timeout
>> Does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong?
> The docs for Perl says that 'say' appends a newline.
> On the other hand, 'ssock.write' doesn't append a newline.
> Could that be the problem?

Thanks and well-spotted everyone!  The missing newline was indeed the
problem.  With

  ssock.write(b'ECHO 1\n')

the Python codes behaves like the Perl code.



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