Στις Πέμπτη, 8 Ιουλίου 2021 στις 7:16:27 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Stestagg έγραψε:
> [my reply on the list this time :)] 
> That's fine. Sorry, I should have provided more information. 
> This type of error that you're gettting /can/ happen if you have the 
> library correctly installed, but within your project, you have a different 
> file of the same name as the library. 
> Then when python tries to import 'flask', it actually imports your local 
> file, NOT the installed flask. 
> You see the error message is *not* saying that python can't find flask, but 
> that it can't find a name `run` within the flask module:
> from flask import run, route, request, redirect 
> ImportError: cannot import name 'run'
> Therefore python has successfully found a module named flask somewhere, 
> just that it's probably not the module you were expecting it to find. 
> This is almost always because of the file name issue I mentioned above, OR 
> because the wrong version of flask has been installed, or something similar. 
> One thing to try would be at the *very* top of counters.py, add the 
> following lines: 
> import flask 
> print(flask) 
> then run your command again, and see what the stdout output is. You should 
> see something like: 
> <module 'flask' from 'XXXXXXXXX'> 
> Does XXXXXX look like the right place for the flask installation? if not, 
> then that's the problem. 

After inserting the lines you told me i get the following when i try to run it 
via browser

[nikos@superhost wsgi]$ tail -f ../logs/error_log
[Thu Jul 08 19:22:31.042014 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 575443:tid 139757777291008] 
[remote] ImportError: cannot import name 'run'
[Thu Jul 08 19:22:32.723900 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 575443:tid 139757752112896] 
<module 'flask' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/flask/__init__.py'>
[Thu Jul 08 19:22:32.724068 2021] [wsgi:error] [pid 575443:tid 139757752112896] 
[remote] mod_wsgi (pid=575443): Failed to exec Python 
script file '/home/nikos/wsgi/www.py'.

should i try always to run flask via browser or as "flask run" ? os is it the 

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