Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote: > Gurus, before I am tempted to signal this as a bug, perhaps > you might convince me that it should be so.
it's not a bug, and nobody should have to convince you about any- thing; despite what you may think from reading certain slicing threads, this mailing list is not an argument clinic. > If I type > > l=range(4) > l.extend([1,2]) > > l gives [0,1,2,3,1,2], what else... > > On the other hand, try > > p=range(4).extend([1,2]) > > Then, p HAS NO VALUE (NoneType). (footnote: None is a value in Python. it can be used to represent "no value", but it can also be used for other things) > With append the behaviour is similar. I didn't try other methods, but > I suspect that it won't improve. > > WHY? because you're saving the return value of "extend", not "range", and "extend" returns None. if you split it up like this l = range(4) p = l.extend([1, 2]) it should be obvious that "l" and "p" doesn't necessarily contain the same thing. </F> --