On 24/05/2021 14:34, hw wrote:
Your claim that I'm insulting python or anoyone is ridiculous.
According to your logic, C is insulting python. I suggest you stop
making assumptions.
Calling a mature, widely used language "unfinished" because of what
*you* see as a defect *is* insulting.
(Of course, all languages evolve, and Python is no exception. But the
change you are in effect proposing won't happen.)
And using a hectoring arrogant tone as a self-confessed Python beginner
when addressing veterans with decades of experience in *developing
Python* as well as developing with Python (disclosure: I'm not
describing myself) is unlikely to endear anyone to your views.
Python has few keywords (deliberately so), and anything that is not a
keyword can be used as an identifier. That will stop your program from
crashing in 5 years time if a new built-in type is added to the language
that happens to have the same name as an identifier you used (like maybe
'quaternion' 'matrix' 'group' 'query', to imagine a few).
One day you may want to write (as you can in Python)
class int(int):
to shadow the built-in 'int' type with a modified version. I'm not
suggesting this has many real world applications, but it can be fun to
play with. Python has a "consenting adults" policy: it assumes that if
you do something weird, you're doing it deliberately, and it doesn't try
to stop you. I am sure after a little more experience with Python you
will remember the commonest built-in types (int, float, list, dict, str
Rob Cliffe