Jason Friedman wrote at 2021-4-18 07:46 -0600:
> ...
>I have a program that runs via crontab every five minutes. It polls a
>Box.com folder for files and, if any are found, it copies them locally and
>performs a computation on them that can exceed five minutes. It pushes the
>results back up to Box. (Box.com ensures that only complete files are
>visible when I poll.) Files are dropped into this Box.com folder rarely,
>but to ensure a good customer experience I do not want to set my crontab to
>run less frequently. My hardware cannot support multiple simultaneous

Programs typically use some form of file locking to detect
attempts to run the same program multiple times.

The optimal form of locking depends on the operating system.
Under *nix, so called advisory locks seem promising.

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