> > At which point does the problem start manifesting itself? > The problem spot is my cache(dict). I simplified my code to just load > all the objects to this dict and then clear it.
What's the memory utilisation just _before_ performing this load? I am assuming it's much less than this 1 GB you can't seem to drop under after you run your `.clear()`. > After loading "top" You may be using `top` in command line mode already but in case you aren't, consider sorting processes whose command name is `python` (or whatever filter selects your program) by RSS, like so, for easier collection of machine-readable statistics: # ps -o rss,ppid,pid,args --sort -rss $(pgrep python) RSS PPID PID COMMAND 32836 14130 14377 python3 10644 14540 14758 python3 > For debugging I use Pycharm Sounds good, you can then use the GUI to set the breakpoint and consult external statistics-gathering programs (like the `ps` invocation above) as you step through your code. Pycharm also allows you to see which variables are in scope in a particular stack frame, so you'll have an easier time reasoning about garbage collection in terms of which references might be preventing GC. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list