Alberto, To convert any algorithm to python (or anything else) you have to understand it. Do you know what AWK is doing? And does the darn thing work already in awk? Why do you need to convert it? My suspicion is that it has errors and if so, it is NOT about converting at all.
I will not solve this for you except to outline what it does. AWK is designed to read in data and organize it into fields based on rules. It then sees patterns to match against each clump of data (usually a line) and performs actions. The beginning of your shown program simply defined helper functions before the main program begins. You will need to translate them individually. I would not have written and formatted it the way you show. function sq(x) { return x * x; } function dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { return sqrt(sq(x1 - x2) + sq(y1 - y2) + sq(z1 - z2)); } function print_distances() { if (na == 0) print "No type 8 atoms."; else { min = 1000; for (a = 0; a < na; a++) { d = dist(x, y, z, pos[a,"x"], pos[a,"y"], pos[a,"z"]); # printf "%7.5f ", d; if (d < min) min = d; } printf "%6i %7.5f\n", istep, min; x = y = z = 0; delete pos; na = 0; } } OK, so far? You need to make changes in the above as needed or completely redo the algorithms in python but first you must recognize what the above are. Now the main AWK call is hidden and looks like: awk 'PROGRAM' $1.lammpstrj > $1_mindist.txt The above says that AWK is called with a filename the shell script makes using an argument to the script. The shell also sends the standard output from awk to a second file with a name based on the same argument. So your python program needs to open the same file but write to standard output OR you can rewrite it any way you please to get the same result. The rest of the program is patterns and actions. But AWK is doing all kinds of things for you invisibly that you now need to do explicitly in python. You need to open a file and read a line at a time in a loop. The line must be parsed into fields the same way AWK would have done. There probably is a simple package that can do that or you do it by hand. Now the rest of the program is patterns like: $1 == 113 $8 == 10 And a more complex one I defer. The above has an action it wants to do for any line that has a first part exactly equal to 113. The second wants an 8th part equal to 10. In python, once you have figured out what those parts are (as well as the other parts) you need to test using something like an "if" statement for that condition and do what action follows. Here is the condition then action for the first clause: $1 == 113 { if (x || y || z) print "More than one type $8 atom."; else { x = $2; y = $3; z = $4; istep++; } } I am a tod concerned as to where any of the variables x, y or z have been defined at this point. I have not seen a BEGIN {...} pattern/action or anywhere these have been initialized but they are set in a function that as far as I know has not been called. Weird. Maybe awk is allowing an uninitialized variable to be tested for in your code but if so, you need to be cautious how you do this in python. Be that as it may, I am explaining what I think I see. PATTERN ACTION. So the next pattern/action is: $8 == 10 { pos[na,"x"] = $2; pos[na,"y"] = $3; pos[na,"z"] = $4; na += 1; } And the next one is a bit more complex: /^ITEM: ATOMS/ && na != 0 { print_distances(); } It does pattern matching on the original line and asks for the text being looked for to be at the beginning of the line. So you need to learn how to ask python to match that pattern. And note the && joins two Boolean parts. All the above patterns are checked for on every line and you need to know what AWK does once it matches. Does the code above ask you to move to the next line when it matches or do every applicable action? So you have been in a loop and when you reach the end of the file, you need to get out of the loop. Only then does the final pattern match: END { print_distances(); } I hope some of that was helpful. To do the full job you need to do way more than translate how AWK does something like use curly braces for grouping while python uses indentations. AWK is designed to be a filter in the ways described above and does many helpful things behind the scenes. You need to do all that work for yourself in python. Of course, having said all that, I know this is a common enough problem that people have solved by making modules that do awk-like activities in python but I have no experience there. Had you done a search for something like this, an answer might have presented itself that involves less work for you, unless this is homework that needs to be done by you: zbKlErWzQJ5Spw%3A1616510303610&source=hp&ei=X_1ZYJPDIobI5gKMk4CACA&iflsig=AI NFCbYAAAAAYFoLb50VZVAododj5tTkC9AtICpv08Aw&oq=python+awk+module&gs_lcp=Cgdnd 3Mtd2l6EAMyBggAEBYQHjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoHCC4Q6gIQJzoECCMQJzoFCAAQsQM6CwguELEDEMcBE KMCOggIABCxAxCDAToCCAA6BQguELEDUNobWLhGYIFIaAFwAHgAgAFWiAH2CJIBAjE3mAEAoAEBq gEHZ3dzLXdperABCg&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjT7q2T0sbvAhUGpFkKHYwJAIAQ4dUDC Ak&uact=5 -----Original Message----- From: Python-list <> On Behalf Of alberto Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 7:32 AM To: Subject: convert script awk in python Hi to everyone I have an awk script that calculate minimum distances between points ## atom type frag - atom type surface #!/bin/bash FILE1=$1.lammpstrj if [ -f $FILE1 ]; then awk 'function sq(x) { return x * x; } function dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { return sqrt(sq(x1 - x2) + sq(y1 - y2) + sq(z1 - z2)); } function print_distances() { if (na == 0) print "No type 8 atoms."; else { min = 1000; for (a = 0; a < na; a++) { d = dist(x, y, z, pos[a,"x"], pos[a,"y"], pos[a,"z"]); # printf "%7.5f ", d; if (d < min) min = d; } printf "%6i %7.5f\n", istep, min; x = y = z = 0; delete pos; na = 0; } } $1 == 113 { if (x || y || z) print "More than one type $8 atom."; else { x = $2; y = $3; z = $4; istep++; } } $8 == 10 { pos[na,"x"] = $2; pos[na,"y"] = $3; pos[na,"z"] = $4; na += 1; } /^ITEM: ATOMS/ && na != 0 { print_distances(); } END { print_distances(); } ' $1.lammpstrj > $1_mindist.txt fi where $1 is a particular atom and $8 is a other type of atoms How could I prepare a python script regards A -- --