
Missing the 'S renders in my opinion the method unfit to be included
in it's current form.

It is a call to improve it if possible. We wonder why in the first place
such a
method exists. If indeed it intends to capitalise all first letters, putting
others in lowercase, the ' is a too common case to be ignored.

The intent was:

"Return a titlecased version of the string where words start with an
character and the remaining characters are lowercase."

But the ' is a case acknowledged by the docs:

"The algorithm uses a simple language-independent definition of a word as
groups of consecutive letters. The definition works in many contexts but it
means that apostrophes in contractions and possessives form word
which may not be the desired result:
A workaround for apostrophes can be constructed using regular expressions:

Why not do it if you know people miss it?

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
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