Bryan Olson wrote:
> First, a portable worker-process timeout: In the child process,
> create a worker daemon thread, and let the main thread wait
> until either the worker signals that it is done, or the timeout
> duration expires. 

It works on QNX, thanks a lot, your reply was very helpful!

> If we need to run on Windows (and Unix), we can have one main
> process handle the socket connections, and pipe the data to and
> from worker processes. See the popen2 module in the Python
> Standard Library.

popen will not work in thread on QNX/Windows, same problem with spawnl
currently I am using:

os.system(command+">file 2>file2")

it works, I just need to finish implementing everything and check how it 
may fail...

One more time - thanks for great idea!


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