On 24/02/2021 14:13, Antoon Pardon wrote: > I need to do some development on this legacy system. It only runs > python2.6 and there is little hope of installing an other version. How > can I best proceed to install modules for working with mysql and ldap? >
The answer very much depends on the operating system. If it's a Linux system with a working package manager, chances are most common modules were packaged by the distribution vendor, and your best bet is probably to get the RPMs or deb packages from the corresponding package archive. There usually is one. Otherwise, as Dan suggested, find the source tar.gz (or zip, or whatever) file for the last version that supported python 2.6 on the corresponding project's website or on PyPI and install the packages (and all their dependencies) using the setup.py scripts. If you're on Windows, you'll probably need Visual Studio 2008 or at least the Visual C++ compiler version 9.0 (see <https://wiki.python.org/moin/WindowsCompilers#Microsoft_Visual_C.2B-.2B-_9.0_standalone:_Visual_C.2B-.2B-_Compiler_for_Python_2.7_.28x86.2C_x64.29>) That being said, I am curious: if you can install Python modules, why can't you install a newer Python interpreter? Are you running Windows 2000? Have fun I guess Thomas -- Dr. Thomas Jollans ✉ t...@tjol.eu -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list