Paul Rubin wrote:
> James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Then your best bet is to take a reasonable number of bits from an sha hash. 
>>But you do not need pycrypto for this. The previous answer by "ncf" is good, 
>>but use the standard library and take 9 digits to lessen probability for 
>>import sha
>>def encrypt(x,y):
>>    def _dosha(v): return
>>    return int(_dosha(_dosha(x)+_dosha(y))[5:13],16)
>>Each student ID should be unique until you get a really big class. If your 
>>class might grow to several million, consider taking more bits of the hash.
> Please don't give advice like this unless you know what you're doing.
> You're taking 8 hex digits and turning them into an integer.  That
> means you'll probably have a collision after around 65,000 id's, not
> several million.  "Probably" means > 50%.  You'll have a significant
> chance (say more than 1%) of collision after maybe 10,000.
> Also, if you know the student's graduation year, in most cases there
> are just a few hundred likely birthdates for that student, so by brute
> force search you can crunch the output of your function to a fairly
> small number of DOB/SSN combinations.
> The only approach that makes sense is for the secure database to
> assign arbitrary numbers that aren't algorithmically related to any
> sensitive data.  Answers involving encryption will need to use either
> large ID numbers or secret keys, both of which will cause hassles.

This is indubitably true. There's absolutely no excuse for making the 
primary key a function of the data that record contains, as doing so 
will assist any cryptanalytical attacks.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   


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