On 12/01/21 9:37 am, DonK wrote:
I've seen some Python gui frameworks like Tkinter, PyQt, etc. but they
look kinda like adding a family room onto a 1986 double wide mobile
home, and they look even more complicated than creating a GUI from
scratch in C++ with a message loop, raising events . . .
I'm surprised you find any of those toolkits more complicated
to use than the raw Windows API, which last time I dabbled in it
seemed fairly horrendous.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a really good way to
easily make GUIs in Python. I tried to fill that gap a few years
back with PyGUI:


You might like to check that out, but be warned that a few bits
of it are broken at the moment. It's badly in need of an overhaul,
and I don't have time to devote to it right now.

So, what do you folks use Python for?
Personal uses I can think of in recent times:

* Command line tools for various small tasks, often parts of
build systems for other projects.

* Games, using pygame, pyopengl, numpy and various other libraries.

Currently I'd like to write something to iterate
through open windows and save them to different folders depending on
if the titlebar contains certain strings.
That sounds like it should be doable if you can get access to the
right Windows API functions. Check out the pywin32 package. If that
doesn't provide what you need, there's always ctypes (part of the
standard python distribution, gives low-level access to C library


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