On 1/5/21 4:04 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 10:01 AM Eli the Bearded <*@eli.users.panix.com> wrote:

In comp.lang.python, Chris Angelico  <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
There are multiple definitions for "day of year", depending on how you
want to handle certain oddities. The simplest is to identify Jan 1st
as 1, Jan 2nd as 2, etc, to Dec 31st as either 365 or 366; but some
libraries will define the year as starting with the week that contains
the Thursday, or something, and then will define days of year

That sounds like some weird off-shoot of the ISO-8601 calendar. That
document primarily concerns itself with weeks. Week 1 of a year is the
first week with a Thursday in it. The last week of a year will be either
52 or 53, and you can have things like days in January belonging to the
week of the previous year.

The "weird off-shoot" part is probably a result of me misremembering
things, so don't read too much into the details :) I just remember
coming across something that numbered days within a year in a way that
was consistent with the way that it numbered weeks, which would indeed
have been based on the ISO 8601 week numbering. Not 100% sure of the
exact details.

"workweeks" has always been fun, ISO standard or not, there's been a variation for ages since people don't seem to always follow ISO for that. I spent over a decade at a place that lived and died by their WorkWeek references ("due WW22" or the like would appear in every status report ever written, and there were zillions of those) - and it didn't agree with ISO on whether WW1 was the week that contained Jan 1 or whether it was the week that followed the previous year's last workweek. After all, those few days can't actually belong to two different workweeks, now can they? :)

(that was not a good memory you guys brought back :) )

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