-- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
... but this won't be the problem the OP may encounter if its intention
is to create a script to command another one that is running. It will be
sufficient to limit the write permissions to the pipe file to himself
... perhaps protecting the pipe file inside a directory with stickibits set.
- Control stript which is runing in background. Petro
- Re: Control stript which is runing in background. MRAB
- Re: Control stript which is runing in background. jak
- Re: Control stript which is runing in background... Cameron Simpson
- Re: Control stript which is runing in backgr... jak
- Re: Control stript which is runing in ba... jak
- Re: Control stript which is runing ... 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
- Re: Control stript which is run... jak
- Re: Control stript which is... Cameron Simpson
- Re: Control stript which is... jak
- Re: Control stript which is... 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
- Re: Control stript which is... jak
- Re: Control stript which is... 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
- Re: Control stript which is... jak
- Re: Control stript which is... 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
- Re: Control stript which is... Alan Bawden