class main(..): def init.....: super..... button = Button(on_release=self.on_click)
def on_click(self,screen,*args) self.clear_widgets() if screen == '2nd': float = 2nd() elif screen == '1st': float = 1st() self.add_widget(float) class 2nd(...): string_text = StringProperty() def init.....: super..... Text = TextInput(text=self.string_text) button=Button(on_release=self.on_click) def on_click self.parent.on_click('1st') class 1st(...): ............ #my only issue is in class 2nd() how can I change the value of the variable string_text, if I am clearing widgets and adding widget again in parent class ( main()), then string_text will again equal to empty , I tried to add string_text variable in main() but the same issue I am getting, how can I save the string_text in 2nd() if am removing it and adding it again ? --