On 24/12/2020 12:20, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
On 2020-12-24 at 11:41:15 +1300,
dn via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:
On 24/12/2020 06:03, Sadaka Technology wrote:
hello guys,

I have this pattern for password validation (regex):


Is it my imagination, or does a password in which the only lower case
letter is at the beginning fail?

As mentioned, I don't use RegEx so-often and rely upon a crib-sheet. What I could?should have added, is that there are many web-sites which enable one to enter a RegEx and some sample data, for immediate verification. Very handy!

Contrarily, a RegEx may be quite the wrong tool for the job. Partially
because such expressions are difficult to understand - either someone
else's code or my own from the proverbial six-months back(!); and
partially here we're attempting to solve multiple problems in one go.

"[M]ay be quite"?  You are far too kind, dn.

The people on this list often help me, so...

Whereas I prefer to use str.functions, others may have their own opinion. To some degree it's one of those 'horses for courses' situations - and as illustrated, if the specs are tightened a bit further, it may well be that a 'minimum of two upper-case characters' rule would be easier to check with a RegEx!

If our ambitions include dreams of 'world domination', then we can
extend exactly the same idea of "rule" to the other three routines!
Whilst we 'start' with (say) the ASCII character definitions of a-z,
we will *be able* to extend into accented characters such as "ô" -
which really would promote us to take a rôle on the world-stage.

If you're going to wander out of ASCII, then don't forget to address
Unicode confusables.  Nothing is more embarrassing than scribbling your
complicated password on a sticky note and then not being able to tell
the o's from the ο's.  ;-)


If we're going to be nice to our users, from where do we express these
"rules"? If the rule is hard-coded, then the user-advice must also be
hard-coded - and what do we say about having 'the same code' in
multiple locations? (see also "DRY principle"). How could one state
"the rules" *once*, and in such a fashion that they can be used for UX
output and a RegEx?

That's the beauty of a regular expression:  it's both human and computer
readable.  Just show the user the regular expression(s) you used.  Oh,
wait.  Sorry.  Scratch that.

Thanks, dn, for saying all of that (including what I snipped) out loud.

I've finished 'official work' for the year - compliments of the season!
Regards =dn

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