Hi, Im new on phyton programming. On my GPRS modem with embedded Phyton 1.5.2+ version, I have to receive a string from serial port and after send this one enclosed in an e-mail. All OK if the string is directly generated in the code. But it doesn't works if I wait for this inside a 'while' loop. This is the simple code:
global stringZVEI while stringZVEI=='': MOD.sleep(10) a=SER.send(' sono nel while stringZVEI==st vuota') stringZVEI = SER.readbyte() a=SER.send(' stringZVEI=') a=SER.send(stringZVEI) MOD and SER are embedded class maked by third part. >From my very little debug possibility it seem that loop is executed 1 time only nevertheless stringZVEI is still empty. The line a=SER.send(' stringZVEI=') work correctly but a=SER.send(stringZVEI) doesn't work Any suggestion? Thanks Dario. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list