Previously I have solved related problems with explicit `-}` and `-{` (or `-b`) as in `nginxctl`: ``` $ python -m nginxctl serve --temp_dir '/tmp' \ -b 'server' \ --server_name 'localhost' --listen '8080' \ -b location '/' \ --root '/tmp/wwwroot' \ -} \ -} nginx is running. Stop with: /usr/local/bin/nginx -c /tmp/nginx.conf -s stop ```
To illustrate the issue, using `ml-params` and ml-params-tensorflow: ``` $ python -m ml_params --engine 'tensorflow' train --help usage: python -m ml_params train [-h] --optimizer {Adadelta,Adagrad,Adam,Adamax,Ftrl,Nadam,RMSprop} Run the training loop for your ML pipeline. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --optimizer {Adadelta,Adagrad,Adam,Adamax,Ftrl,Nadam,RMSprop} The optimizer ``` Idea: preprocess `sys.argv` so that this syntax would work `--optimizer Adam[learning_rate=0.01]`* *square rather than round so as not to require escape characters or quoting in `sh` Unfortunately this approach wouldn't give nice `--help` text. What's the right solution here? Thanks, Samuel Marks Charity <> | consultancy <> | open-source <> | LinkedIn <> --