Newbie question: I have a dictionary called "rec". And a list called "db". db is my database. rec are to be records in the database. In a loop I'm trying to create a record and add it to my database. The key stmt is
db.append( rec ) This works initially but it seems that instead of copying the values in rec and adding it to db, only a reference of rec is added to db. Thus when I reassign rec with new data and then do another append I end up with two records in my database but now the both contain the same data, namely the latest version or rec. So how do I add a dictionary into a list by value rather than by reference? The complete code is here: ========================================================= #!/usr/bin/python import sys inputfile = sys.argv[1] keywords = [ 'place-name=', 'addr-line1=', 'addr-line2=', 'addr-city=', 'addr-state=', 'addr-country=', 'addr-postalcode=', 'mailaddr-line1=', 'mailaddr-line2=', 'mailaddr-city=', 'mailaddr-state=', 'mailaddr-country=', 'mailaddr-postalcode=', 'place-phone1=', 'place-phone2=', 'place-fax=', 'place-email1=', 'place-email2=' ] def csv_it(): db = [] # the entire database of records rec = {} # a single rec: a dictionary of field names and data pairs fields = [] # list of field names collected so far for current record for line in open(inputfile): kword = getkeyword(line) # get keyword (or field name) if kword: # We've got a line with a keyword in it if kword == keywords[0]: # Starting a new record, so save current record db.append( rec ) printdb(db, "stage 1") # Now clear current record fields = [] rec.clear() dummylist = [] for i in range(1,len(keywords)+1): dummylist.append('') for k,d in zip(keywords,dummylist): rec[k] = d printdb(db, "stage 2") # make sure we are not encountering a duplicate key word if kword in fields: print "Record contains duplicate field" print line, sys.exit() fields.append(kword) # collect our data and store it in the current record data = line[line.find('=')+1:] datalstrip = data.lstrip() datarstrip = datalstrip.rstrip() rec[kword] = datarstrip printdb(db,"stage 3") db.append( rec ) # don't forget whatever we have in our last record # dump the database in comma separated value form outstring = '' for k in keywords: outstring += '"' outstring += k outstring += '"' outstring += ',' print outstring for r in db: outstring = '' for k in keywords: if r[k]: outstring += '"' outstring += r[k] outstring += '"' outstring += ',' print outstring def getkeyword(line): equal_index = line.find('=') if equal_index >= 0: kword = line[0:equal_index+1] if kword in keywords: return kword else: print "Invalid keyword at line:" print line sys.exit() return None def printdb( db, text ): print " " print "db %s = " % text print db print " " if __name__ == '__main__': csv_it() ==================================================== Thanks Phill --