Windows 10 x64 Pro v10.0.19041.488 build 19041 2020-09 Cumulative Update for Win 10 Ver 2004 for x64 KB4571756 2020-09 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 & 4.8 for Win 10 Ver 2004 for x64 KB4576478 requests-html 0.10.0 pyppeteer 0.2.2 python 3.7+ requests 2.24
I've been using requests-html 0.10.0 (with requests) for a little over a week and it has been working perfectly until yesterday after windows updates. The problem is that will not render. I verified that requests-html fetches the webpage and returns HTTP status_code 200, successful response. The rendering process, just hangs. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the modules to force the reinstallation of the chrome engine. requests-html pyppeteer And it still didn't render. Who knows where to post issues with requests-html? --