On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 6:30 AM Schachner, Joseph
<joseph.schach...@teledyne.com> wrote:
> Another suggestion:  If your Python code only references  few things outside 
> of itself, make a simulated environment in Python on your PC, so that you can 
> run your embedded code after importing your simulated environment, which 
> should supply the functions it expects to call and variables it expects to 
> access.
> Then you can use any PC based debugger (PyScripter, Jetbrains' PyCharm, 
> Visual Studio with Python support, etc) to debug in the simulated environment.

That seldom works very well. since most of the point of running code
on embedded devices is to use the features of those devices. My
brother built a network-attached doorbell on an RPi, and all the
debugging work revolved around the exact electrical signals on the
GPIO pins.


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