> On Aug 18, 2020, at 6:13 PM, Richard Damon <rich...@damon-family.org> wrote:
> On 8/18/20 7:34 PM, rmli...@riseup.net wrote:
>> I would also caution against relying on the idea of human rights when
>> defending against accusations of being political, since they too are
>> political. Life is political. We continue to this day trying to
>> redefine, as a society, what human rights are, & who is considered to
>> deserve them. That process is politics.
> I will challenge STRONGLY the believe that all right are political in
> nature. That attitude is the path of tyranny, for if rights only come by
> the will of the government, then the government is in its right to take
> them all away.
> The American Deceleration of Independence states it well (Yes, I know we
> are not all Americans):
> *We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
> equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
> Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.*

With all due respect:
The American Declaration of Independence is a political document that had no 
power of authority. Soon afterwards, that same group of white, wealthy 
land-owning men wrote the US Constitution, which, in it’s original form, only 
protected the _God_ given rights of those same white, wealthy, land-owning 
folks, leaving all the other rights and protections to the states — because the 
slave owning states would only join the union under those circumstances. This 
is the doctrine of State’s rights. Indeed, several of those white, wealthy, 
land-owning folks who contributed to the creation of the US Constitution were 
in fact slave owners. Imagine that — slave owners created a document declaring 
all men are created equal! Of course, women had no rights either. And LGBTQ 
folks would be killed back in those days. Indeed, transgender folks continue to 
be at risk of death today — just because of who they are. In practice, all 
rights are granted by political power. In the United States, untold thousands 
of men and women have fought and died to protect that political power. I hope 
you continue to learn and grow with experience and come to appreciate the 
nature of life on the ground in the flesh and blood. On the ground, only 
political power and the force behind it sustains the rights we enjoy in the 
United States.

Democracy is an act. — The late John Lewis



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