i would say i'm new at programing i have a year of experience in
python(but i'm tottaly a noob) i guess i'm starting to learn SQL now.What
should i do to learn better and faster?
Enroll in the local college and start your journey there?
Successfully finish it and get an internship.
Follow with it, get to know people.
Continue working in the area.
+1, not only learning Python but making valuable contacts!
However, if you are taking advantage of a COVID-19 'lock-down', and are
happy to work from home; consider the Python offerings from Coursera.org
and edX.org, eg U.Michigan's series. These start-from-scratch, so will
give you the opportunity to review existing knowledge, as appropriate;
and continue onwards-and-upwards. Alternately, you could jump-in at
whichever level you feel comfortable. From memory(!?) there are specific
courses on Python I/O, and Python i/a with DBs.
BTW such courses are often available either for-free or $certification.
Conversely, if you'd prefer to major on the SQL side (and use Python as
the app-language!) there are plenty of courses covering that topic as
well. Yesterday I was shown: Create a Database with the Modeling Tool in
MySQL Workbench
- amongst other short-sharp offerings featuring the MySQL Workbench DBA
tool (and possibly more). At a more general interest, please review
Stanford's on-line offerings (they've recently/finally moved off their
own platform to edX) at https://www.edx.org/school/stanfordonline
(ignoring all 'the other stuff'). Personal recommendation: anything with
Jennifer Widom is worth attending!
Regards =dn
Disclaimer: I use the edX platform, but not for Python training.