On 8/13/2020 9:44 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
We’re happy to announce the public availability of the live stream
recordings from EuroPython 2020. They were already available to all
conference attendees since the sprint days.

                    * EuroPython YouTube Channel *


This http url, blocked by HTTPS Anywhere, just forwards to


We have collected the videos in a EuroPython 2020 Live Stream


A better (more useful) version of the listing.

Unedited Videos

What we are releasing today are unedited videos recorded for the main
track rooms and days.

IE, each is a 2-12 hour recording with multiple sessions. So subtract session start time from talk time to get approximate time index, taking into account that cumulative overtimes increase actual start times.

The poster track recordings will be added today or

You can use the schedule to navigate the videos.


I look forward to the edited videos sliced into individual talks. But I already found and watched a talk that interested me. Thank you for making them available.

Terry Jan Reedy


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