Sorry for not making it clear.
I tried below code

# import modules
from openpyxl import *
from openpyxl.styles import *
import webbrowser
import pandas
from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation

# Read all Excels into pandas dataframes
sowexcel = pandas.read_excel('Billing Roster - SOW.xlsx')

#Load the existing Resource Allocation Excel
wb = load_workbook('ACFC_Resource_Allocation.xlsx')
allocationsheet =

def load():
    maxrow = allocationsheet.max_row
    sow_list = sowexcel['SOW #'].tolist()
    column_sow = ','.join(sow_list)
    validator_sow = DataValidation(type='list', 
formula1='"{}"'.format(column_sow), allow_blank=True) 
    validator_sow.add('D2:D%s' %maxrow)
    # save the file'ACFC_Resource_Allocation.xlsx')

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    file_open ='ACFC_Resource_Allocation.xlsx')

In Billing Roster - SOW.xlsx I have new column data one is named as SOW and 
other is named SOW Description (Match value for SOW).
And now when i open ACFC_Resource_Allocation.xlsx excel and for an example if 
select a value in D2 (SOW) cell from the dropdown i should get a matching value 
into E2 cell after the selection from dropdown.

I only have an idea than a vlookup from Excel like below should solve my case. 
Not sure how to achieve in python.
=VLOOKUP(D2,'[Billing Roster - SOW.xlsx]SOW List'!$A$1:$B$14,1,FALSE)

Please let me know if am not still clear.

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