How do you prefer to balance all of the above when import-ing?

Python offers a number of options for importing modules, eg

    import module, ...
    from importable import object, ...

most of which can be augmented with the "as preferred_name" syntax.
(ignoring the much-reviled "*" (import everything, not private) variation)

The basic application of the as-clause, is a means of avoiding conflict within the namespace. Thus, if the name "vector" is already used within the module, we can:

    from importable import vector as direction
    go( direction )

Another common use is abbreviation - despite modern editors offering look-ahead guesses and superceding the typing-saver it once was; eg:

    import numpy as np
    from importable import vector as v

The "np" is not as good an example (for this discussion) because it is very commonly-used and therefore well-understood (at least amongst the Stats and DataSc communities). However, the "v" suffers the same fate as abbreviated object-names everywhere - after a while, one starts to forget exactly what the opaque name actually means.

In between the intense COVID-19 busy-ness, I have been attempting a contEd course (and perversely choosing to use Python instead of their chosen language) and thus am 'discovering' (PSL's) pygame library. Accordingly:

    import pygame as pg

So, after employing that, every time I encountered the abbreviation I had to stop and think: 'what is this "pg" thing?'. Agreed, that's part of the "learning process" - and in-time, even my sluggish grey-matter managed to reach the point of readability (but can I assume the same of my reader/colleagues/course-tutor?).

However, as I started building helper functions and my own objects 'around' the pygame library, without much thought, I followed the pattern:

    import pygame as pg                   # this is from PSL
    import pygame_utilities as pgu        # this is from my own work
    if pgu.has_alpha( ink_color_tuple ): ...

It didn't take long before I was being stopped, to think: "where did "pgu" come-from?" (remember, being a good, little, boy*, all of my import statements are parked way-up at the top of the code-listing).

The opposite approach - specifically avoiding abbreviations and the readability issues they may carry, and bravely facing the challenge of avoiding name-clashes, might involve something like:

    from pygame_plane_geometry import ( CartesianError,
    position = CartesianCoordinate( 1, 2 )

Now, we will enjoy much-improved readability - but will have to rely upon the IDE's 'pop-up', to see an object's init/signature (for example). Thus, we face an extra concern of 'where do I find this module?' to be able to clarify or examine any detail.

The final 'crunch' then - to enjoy full readability AND avoid naming conflict AND offer full source-location information:

    import pygame_plane_geometry
    position = pygame_plane_geometry.CartesianCoordinate( 1, 2 )

Lovely stuff! Except that we're either 'banging on the door' of column-79, or our eyes are tiring from 'all that reading'. Maybe?


- how do you like to balance these three (and any other criteria)?

- is your preference (or selection) influenced by the facilities offered by your favorite editor/IDE?

- does your decision differ according to whether the 'target module' is one of yours, from the PSL, from some third party, corporate, ...?

- do you prefer PSL's importlib over Python's native import-s, for one of these (or any other) reason?

- AOB?


* if you believe that, I have a bridge from Brooklyn available at an absolute bargain price...

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