On 2020-05-29 21:24, Michio Suginoo wrote:

I installed python via Anaconda some months ago.
And since then, I could not download python files from external sources.
Basically, every time I tried to download python files, the python system
that I installed via Anaconda gives me a system message with three options:

    - Modify (add or modify individual features),
    - Repair (ensure all current features are correctly installed), and
    - Uninstall (remove the entire Python 3.7.4 (32 bit) installation).

Basically, none of these choices is what I want. I simply want to download
a python file and open it in Jupyter Notebook.

As an example, if I choose Repair, this will give me another system message
saying ‘Repair was successful’. But nothing else. At the end, I do not get
what I want, the python file that I wanted to download from an external

I just wonder what causes this problem. I would appreciate it if you can
provide me a solution to resolve this problem.

That program is an installer for Python. It's only purpose is to install or uninstall Python, and nothing else. It's not for downloading other files.

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