On 24/05/20 8:41 PM, Frank Millman wrote:
On 2020-05-24 9:58 AM, DL Neil via Python-list wrote:
On 24/05/20 5:43 PM, Frank Millman wrote:
On 2020-05-23 9:45 PM, DL Neil via Python-list wrote:

My habit with SQL queries is to separate them from other code, cf the usual illustration of having them 'buried' within the code, immediately before, or even part of, the query call.

I like that idea, as I find that I am embedding more and more SQL in my code.

How do you handle parameters? Do you leave placeholders ('?' or '%s') in the query, and leave it to the 'importer' of the query to figure out what is required?

Yes. Most "connector" software includes a feature which auto-magically escapes all variable-data - a valuable safety feature!

I've been experimenting by going further and providing app.devs with functions/methods, a mini-API if you will. Given that many?most don't like having to deal with SQL, the extra 'insulation' boosts my personal popularity...
(and I need as much of that as I can get!)

Ok. I will have to give it some thought.

I generate most of my SQL dynamically, constructing the query programmatically using the meta-data in my system.

But now I am constructing some more complex queries, which I can't generate automatically yet. I am hoping that a pattern emerges which I can use to automate them, but for now I am doing it by hand.

There are a number of parameters required, and it will not be obvious at first sight what values are required. If I am going to keep the queries in a separate module, I think that I will have to provide some sort of accompanying documentation with each query explaining what the required parameters are.

Thinking aloud, I may set up a separate module for the queries, but make each one a 'function', which specifies what data is required. The caller calls the function with the data as an argument, and the function uses it to build the parameter list and returns the SQL along with the parameters. The function can also contain documentation explaining how the query works.

As you say, this has the benefit of separating the SQL from the Python code, so I will definitely pursue this idea.

We have been talking (slightly OT for thread - apologies) about the narrow sub-objectives of transferring data between a Python application and an RDBMS. May I advise consideration of the wider specification?

For example, one may find it helpful to use a library/abstraction such as SQLAlchemy. Such facilitates transaction data being taken directly from/returned to a Python class! Whereas this discussion (above) only returns raw data-items, thus necessitating the application programmers coding an appropriate 'getter' to provide data to the RDBMS interface-functions, and/or a 'setter' to absorb query-results into the application's data-class(es)!

Of course, there are plenty of applications where one might eschew such advantages, eg a simple interface, and at the other end of the scale: if the data were to be formatted into a pandas data-frame.

Horses for courses!
Regards =dn

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