Le 27/04/2020 à 04:46, Bob van der Poel a écrit :
Does this make as much sense as anything else? I need to track calls to a
function to make sure it doesn't get called to too great a depth. I had a
global which I inc/dec and then check in the function. Works fine, but I do
need to keep a global around just for this.

So ... instead I wrote a short function:

  def parseStack(inc, depth=[0]):
      if depth[0] > 50:
          ... report error and die nicely
     depth[0] += inc

This gets rid of the global, and it moves my error check out of the main
code as well. But, I never feel all that great about using a list in the
function call for static storage.

Using a callable object is the best way to define a function
with a memory

class ParseStack:
    def __init__(self):
    def __call__(self, inc, reset=True):
        if reset:
            self.depth = 0
        if self.depth > 50:
            ... report error
        self.depth += 1
        ... do your stuff

parse_stack = ParseStack()

and use "function" parse_stack


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